


Today s work consists of a special order for Jeff Breckon. Jeff wrote me and askd if I could make a pipe had had designed. He sent me a photoshop rendition of the pipe, with some notes. The pipe was supposed to be a black & tan finish. The pipe all black except for the top and the groove running down the back of the pipe and onto the top of the shank. I used half of a large block I had previously cut into for his pipe. Wasn t really paying attention to the grain as it wasn t all that important.The rings on the stem were Jeff s idea. They consist of a thin black ring first followed by a briar , cumberland and briar rings. Very striking .

Wouldn t you know the pipe was virtually flawless and had good grain. I wrote Jeff and asked him if he d accept a smooth instead. After seeing the pix he happily agreed. Here s the pipe :

This maybe the last todays work for a week . Paul B is coming tomorrow and unless we do a combo pipe or something I wont have anything to show; I ll be having company until next weds !



